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Privacy Policy
Jusco Internation Inc respects the privacy of users of our website and is committed to disclosing our data collection practices so that users of our website can understand what information is collected and how it is used.
This Privacy Policy describes what information we collect from users of our website, how the information we collect is used, under what circumstances we disclose the information we collect, and our users’ choices regarding the information we collect and how it is used and disclosed.
Your use of this website, including visiting any page which is a part of this website, constitutes your acceptance of the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy.
We also receive and collect certain information when you communicate to us by telephone, mail, fax, or email. The information are used to process potential customer requests for products or order information. We may request and receive a confirmation from you when you receive and open an email from us.
We do not sell or otherwise provide the information we collect from you to third parties. We share information with our subsidiary companies which are owned or controlled by us or which are under common ownership and control as us and with certain third parties to whom we provide goods and/or services which are not our subsidiary or affiliated companies. All third parties to whom we provide information have no right to use the information except to the extent necessary in connection with providing goods and/or services to us or our providing goods and services to them. All such third parties are contractually obligated to maintain the confidentiality and security of the information.
Pacific Moulding